Breastmilk or Formula?

First off, either way, your baby will be fine. If you are a first time mom, your milk may not immediately flow, so it makes sense to start out with formula to get liquid into your baby and avoid stressing the kidneys. It’s important to get the first pee as soon as possible.

If your milk flows well, then you may be able to fully take care of your baby’s needs without using formula. If baby’s frequent suckling roughs up your breasts and causes soreness then use a pump. Not only does this protect your breasts, it also means that your become more independent from baby’s schedule. 

In addition to all the nutrients also found in formula, breast milk contains immunoglobulins, which are antibodies that help your baby develop and strengthen its immune system. This means that if you can, even if it is only for a few weeks, it is good for your baby to breastfeed, either directly, or via a breast pump. Breastfeeding is especially beneficial for babies who were born premature because their immune systems are weaker than those of babies that were carried to full term.

In summary, breast feed if you can, pump and store to avoid soreness. Modern baby formula is very good. Although it’s still not quite as good as breastmilk, don’t be shy using formula even early on to get liquid into your newborn and get that first pee.

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