Turn your Microwave into a Super-Fast Bottle Warmer

Recommended by pediatric nutritionists. Whirly transforms your microwave into the world's fastest bottle warmer. Pull the slider and Whirly rapidly spins the baby bottle, instantly dissipating any hot spots, leading to uniform warming. This preserves valuable nutrients for your baby and saves you time and hassle each day.

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Whirly vs Bottle Warmers

Conventional bottle warmers use hot water or steam. The bottle is in contact with this and hence gets heated first and most. Heat is gradually conducted inwards, heating milk/formula at the periphery, where hot spots form. Nutrients in hot spots get denatured. 

Whirly goes inside your microwave. Microwaves don’t warm plastic, only milk/formula. Whirly’s turntable creates a gentle whirl. This mixes baby milk and dissipates any hot spots before they can even form. Warming is fast and even.


Whirly's Key Advantages

  • Up to 10 times faster than bottle warmers

  • No hot or cold spots, preserves all nutrients

  • Warms liquid inside bottle, but not the bottle

  • Doesn’t use water/steam, bottle stays dry

  • For breast milk, formula, formula-milk mix



Microwaving bottles is normally not recommended due to the problem of hot spots. Whirly solves this. Great! Kristi Sanders, RD, LD

Whirly solves the hotspot issue and saves time. Something a lot of parents could use! Amanda L. Spies, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

Whirly is a great product and I hope you have much success with it. Kavitha F. Johnson M.Ed, RD, CDE


About us

Like many parents, we heavily felt the toll of the daily work required to raise a baby. Our first one was very impatient for his bottles and the 3 to 5 minute wait to warm a bottle often seemed endless and at night our sleep was thoroughly interrupted by it. We didn’t want to use the microwave because the uneven heating and hot spots can destroy nutrients. So we developed Whirly Warmer. We have it standing on top of our microwave and now warming bottles for our second child - and sometimes our first one still - is a matter of seconds. Our mission is to help parents reduce their workload so that they have more quality time with their kids and for themselves, while giving their kids the best possible nutrition.

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(315) 245-8075