How to Store Breastmilk?

Breast milk is best stored in the fridge, rather than being frozen. Freezing partially destroys vitamins and immunoglobulins. It’s best to store breastmilk in the fridge no longer than 3 days after being expressed. 

Store breast milk in a hard plastic container, such as a sealed baby bottle, ideally in a volume that your baby drinks in one sitting, e.g. 2 oz. 

It’s very important not to heat breast milk in a microwave oven without Whirly, as it will heat very unevenly and can largely destroy vitamins and immunoglobulins. With its rapid turntable Whirly Warmer allows microwaves to heat breastmilk evenly, without any hotspots, preserving nutrients.

Frozen breastmilk can be safely stored in a freezer for up to 6 months. However, the freezing - the sharp ice crystals it creates - destroys some nutrients. Also, your body ‘knows’ what milk composition is best for your baby at any one time, and changes the ‘recipe’ for your milk as baby develops. So milk expressed 4 months ago is not as optimal for baby as milk from yesterday.

Store breastmilk in a clean, sealed plastic container.

Store breastmilk in a clean, sealed plastic container.

Ice crystals form during freezing. Their sharp edges cause the destruction of some nutrients.

Ice crystals form during freezing. Their sharp edges cause the destruction of some nutrients.