The Best Bottle Warmers of 2020

Philips Avent, Kiinde Kozii, Dr Browns’s, Munchkin? There are so many bottle warmers in the market, it’s hard to chose.

Actually it’s easy. All traditional bottle warmers you can buy are pretty bad, because they:

  • Warm milk and formula unevenly

  • Take a long time - several minutes - to warm

  • Use water or steam leading to wet bottles

  • Heat the plastic bottle itself the most and the liquid inside the least

  • Take up space, sometimes they fall over, causing a spill

We developed Whirly to solve all these problems. Finally warm baby bottles in seconds, using a device almost everyone has at home, a microwave.

Normally nutritionists recommend against using microwaves for baby formula or breast milk. Microwaves heat very fast, but also very unevenly, which leads to dangerous hotspots. They can burn baby’s mouth, and they destroy nutritional components such as vitamins and immunoglobulins, robbing your baby off precious nutrition. By the way, bottle warmers heat unevenly as well, it’s just less well known.

Whirly Warmer rapidly spins baby bottles inside a microwave. This constantly mixes the milk or formula inside the bottles, instantly dissipating any hotspots, leading to completely uniform warming. Whirly is microwave-safe of course. With Whirly inside your microwave is transformed into the world’s fastest bottle warmer.